Outdoor-Indoor Levels of Six Air Pollutants

Comparisons were made of the levels of six air pollutants—total oxidant, per-oxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter—outside and inside 11 buildings in the South Coast Basin of California during summer and fall. Total oxidant levels inside depend upon how much outside air is being brought in and the residence time in the structure. With rapid intake and circulation, levels inside may be two-thirds those outside. With little intake and slow circulation, amounts inside decay to near zero. PAN is more persistent in buildings because it is more stable than ozone but also decays to low levels over an extended period. Oxides of nitrogen and CO are much more stable than oxidant or PAN and when carried into buildings remain until diluted or exhausted. Particulate matter levels indoors depend largely upon velocity of air movement. Indoor areas where foot traffic was light or which had low ventilation rates had reduced amounts of particulate. Electrostatic precipitators were much more effective than coarse primary filters used in many buildings for removing particulate matter.