The Devensian/Weichselian Late‐glacial in northwest Europe (Ireland, Britain, north Belgium, The Netherlands, northwest Germany)

A synthesis of environmental changes during the Devensian (Weichselian) Lateglacial period (14‐9 ka BP) is presented for an area extending from Ireland in the west to northwest Germany in the east. Following a brief reference to the problems of chronology, the principal changes in geomorphology and soils, vegetation history and climate experienced in the region during the Late‐glacial are described. Reconstructions of thermal variations during the Late‐glacial period are attempted independently for Ireland, England and Wales, Scotland (Highlands and Islanads), north Belgium, The Netherlands and northwest Germany. The collective palaeotemperature data, based mainly uppoln pollen data but also in Britain and The Netherlands on coleopteran data using the ‘mutual climatic range’ approach, provide an overview of regional differences along an east‐west transect in northwest Europe.