The Fourier series expansions are used to obtain the expressions for the components of the electromagnetic field at an arbitrary point of observation and for the total energy loss of a gyrating charged particle in a non-ionized medium having a uniform magnetic field. For a non-relativistic particle, it is shown that the total energy loss is split into the collision loss, whose formula is found to be the familiar one for linear motion, and the loss due to cyclotron radiations. The relative magnitude of the latter to the former is less than (ω0p)2, where ω0 is the cyclotron frequency and ωp2=4πnee2/me where ne and me are the density and mass of electrons in the medium. In the relativistic case, we get the explicit formula of the polarization loss, depending upon the external magnetic field, and of the losses due to the Čerenkov and synchrotron radiations. The spectral and angular distributions of these two radiations are discussed.

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