Nuclear structure ofPt195

The level structure of Pt195 has been investigated via a study of the Pt194(n, γ)Pt195 reaction. Secondary γ rays have been measured with curved crystal spectrometers and Ge(Li) detectors, and average resonance capture measurements have been performed to establish a complete set of low spin negative parity states below 1500 keV. The positive parity states reveal a decoupled band structure based on the 132+ isomer at 259 keV. The number of Jπ=12, 32 states identified below 1 MeV, a total of 11, indicates that a simple Nilsson model description will not be adequate to describe the observed level scheme. The negative parity structure is discussed in the framework of the interacting boson fermion approximation in light of the recently proposed multi-j supersymmetry predictions for this region.