Control of the Life Cycle of Methanosarcina mazei S-6 by Manipulation of Growth Conditions

The morphology of Methanosarcina mazei was controlled by magnesium, calcium, and substrate concentrations and by inoculum size; these factors allowed manipulation of the morphology and interconversions between pseudosarcinal aggregates and individual, coccoid cells. M. mazei grew as aggregates in medium with a low concentration of catabolic substrate (either 50 mM acetate, 50 mM methanol, or 10 mM trimethylamine) unless Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ concentrations were high. Growth in medium high in Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , and substrate (i.e., 150 mM acetate, 150 mM methanol, or 40 mM trimethylamine) converted pseudosarcinal aggregates to individual cocci. In such media, aggregates separated into individual cells which continued to grow exclusively as single cells during subsequent transfers. Conversion of single cells back to aggregates was complicated, because conditions which supported the aggregated morphology (e.g., low calcium or magnesium concentration) caused lysis of coccoid inocula. We recovered aggregates from coccoid cells by inoculating serial dilutions into medium high in calcium and magnesium. Cells from very dilute inocula grew into aggregates which disaggregated on continued incubation. However, timely transfer of the aggregates to medium low in calcium, magnesium, and catabolic substrates allowed continued growth as aggregates. We demonstrated the activity of the enzyme (disaggregatase) which caused the dispersion of aggregates into individual cells; disaggregatase was produced not only during disaggregation but also in growing cultures of single cells. Uronic acids, the monomeric constituents of the Methanosarcina matrix, were also produced during disaggregation and during growth as coccoids.