Zur Bestimmung der biologischen Wertigkeit von Nahrungsproteinen, XI. Die Wirkung von Methionin auf den Stickstoffbedarf

Long term dietary experiments were out on humans with mixtures of egg protein with ammonium citrateand methionine. Up to 2/3 of the egg protein can be replaced by NH3 without a noticeable change in the N requirement (4.83 g/day). The N-requirement increases only after higher dilutions. With a mixture of 17% egg-N 83% NH3-N the N-requirement was 8.11 g/day. The minimal N-requlrement of the above mixture is markedly reduced by the addition of methionine. With the addition of 8.12 g of methlonine/day the N-requirement of the same person was 5.65 g/day. This excessive dosls of methionine did not cause an imbalance.