A method is described for determining neutron capture cross sections and locating capture resonances by capture gamma counting. Breit-Wigner parameters for the strong resonance in cadmium are determined to be E0=0.177 ev, σc0=7600 barns, Γ=0.110 ev. Resonances have been found in cadmium at 19 and 28 ev with evidence of unresolved resonances at about 100 ev and above; σc0Γ3 barn-ev for the 19-ev level, and σc0Γ29 barn (ev)2 for the 28-ev level. Comparison transmission measurements on cadmium show the capture-gamma method to be quicker and more sensitive under some circumstances than transmission measurements for locating weak capture levels. Factors affecting the relative sensitivity of the two methods are discussed. A resonance was found in strontium at 3.58 ev; its strength (σc0Γ2) is approximately 8 barn-(ev)2. Resonances were found in barium at energies of 25, 93 and 380 ev, with strengths (σc0Γ2) estimated to be 8, 90, and 550 barn (ev)2, respectively. Measurements on a thick silver sample show that the method can be used to measure σcσt through a resonance over a fairly large range of values of transmission and cross sections. The strength of the 5.13-ev resonance in silver is determined to be σc0Γ2=345±30 barn (ev)2.