Distributed Interactive Graphics Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Implementation of two distributed graphics pro grams used in computational fluid dynamics is discussed. Both programs are interactive in na ture. They run on a CRAY-2 supercomputer and use a Silicon Graphics Iris workstation as the front-end machine. The hardware and supporting software are from the Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation project The supercomputer does all numerically intensive work and the workstation, as the front-end machine, allows the user to perform real-time interactive transformations on the displayed data. The first program was written as a distributed program that computes particle traces for fluid flow solutions existing on the su percomputer. The second is an older post-pro cessing and plotting program modified to run in a distributed mode. Both programs have realized a large increase in speed over that obtained using a single machine. By using these pro grams, one can learn quickly about complex features of a three-dimensional flow field. Some color results are presented.