Blood cells proliferate extravascularly in the bone marrow and enter the circulation by migrating through endothelial cells of venous blood sinuses. This migration, or diapedesis, was suspected to involve actin. To test for the presence and distribution of actin, sections of rat bone marrow were examined by indirect immunocytochemistry. Affinity purified rabbit antichicken gizzard actin antibody, and goat-antirabbit IgG-FITC, or goat antirabbit IgG colloidal gold probes were used. The migrating cell contacts the endothelial cell and forms a podosome (a cortical bleb). Immunocytochemistry shows this region to contain actin. As diapedesis proceeds the podosome deforms, then breaches the endothelial cell. At this time the anterior portion of the leukocyte shows heavy labeling for actin. When the migratory cell traverses approximately half of its length through the endothelial cell, actin appears prominent in the caudal region of the cell. The immunocytochemical data suggest that actin is nonrandomly distributed in leukocytes undergoing diapedesis and may be a component of the force-generating mechanism responsible for this transcellular migratory event.