The prevalence of respiratory symptoms in South Australian preschool children. I. Geographic location

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to ascertain the prevalence of respiratory symptoms in South Australian preschool children and to investigate the relationship between prevalence rates and geographic location. METHODOLOGY: Data were collected from 14,124 families with a child aged 4 years 3 months to 5 years of age. This sample represents 73% of the State preschool population of that age. At the time of a routine preschool health check, parents completed a questionnaire regarding their child's respiratory health and place of residence (postcode). RESULTS: Results showed that the prevalence rates were as follows: (i) ever having chest wheezing 38.6%; (ii) chest wheezing within the preceding 12 months 25.2%; (iii) ever having asthma 22.5%; (iv) ever having a dry cough at night 33.7%; (v) ever having bronchitis or cough with sputum 55.3%; (vi) ever having hay fever 29.7%; (vii) prone to excessive head colds 32.6%; and (viii) ever having eczema 18.8%. Over 38% of parents claimed that winter was the season for the most frequent or severe attacks of wheezing and 31.7% claimed no seasonal difference. Winter was the season most associated with episodes of bronchitis (50.9%), with no seasonal difference in episodes for 29.8% of children. Prevalence rates differed by geographic location within South Australia and within the Adelaide metropolitan region. CONCLUSION: This population-based survey shows that over 22% of South Australian 4 to 5 year old preschool children have had (or continue to have) asthma. The study also documented the geographic distribution of respiratory symptom prevalence within South Australia