Ultrastructure and energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis of cartilage after rapid freezing, low temperature freeze drying, and embedding in Spurr's resin.

In order to undertake meaningful high-resolution x-ray microanalysis of tissues, methods should be used that minimize the introduction of artefacts produced by loss or translocation of ions. The most ideal method is rapid freezing but the subsequent sectioning of frozen tissues is technically difficult. An alternative method is to freeze dry the tissues at a low temperature, and then embed them in resin. This facilitates the rapid production of reproducible thin sections. With freeze-dried, embedded hypertrophic cartilage, the morphology was similar to that seen using aqueous fixatives even when no additional electron density is introduced by the use of osmium vapor. Energy-dispersive analysis of specific areas show that little or no loss or migration of ions occurs from structures such as mitochondria. Mitochondrial granules consisting of calcium and phosphorus precipitates were not observed except where the cells were damaged as a result of the freezing process. This may suggest that these granules only appear when tissue is damaged because of inadequate preservation.