Cellulolytic Activity and the Taxonomic Position of Selected Brown-Rot Fungi

Fungi which both cause a brown-rot and have cellulolytic activity against pure (nonassociated) cellulose are unusual. Brown-rot fungi [Coniophora arida, C. fusispora, C. olivacea, C. prasinoides, C. puteana, C. suffocata, Serpula himantioides, S. incrassata, S. lacrimans, Leucogyrophana arizonica, L. mollusca, L. olivascens, L. pinastri, L. pulverulenta, L. romellii and Merulius aureus] are shown to have this capability. Of these 15 are members of the Coniophoraceae (Coniophora, Serpula, and Leucogyrophana). The 2 other cellulolytic, brown-rot fungi, Paxillus panuoides and Hygrophoropsis aurantiacus responded differently than typical Paxillus species (P. atrotomentosus and P. involutus) and are misplaced in the Paxillaceae on biochemical and morphological grounds.