Electronic structure of Chevrel-phase high-critical-field superconductors

Using muffin-tin orbitals and the atomic-sphere approximation, we have studied the band structures of Chevrel-phase molybdenum chalcogenides, MmMo6X8x. Generally, these compounds exist for a broad variety of elements, M=Pb,Sn,Ag,Cu and X=S,Se,Te. m may be between 0 and 2, depending on the element M. We present level schemes, computed for a range of Mo and X potentials, for three Mo6X14 clusters appropriate for the crystal structures of Mo6 S8, Mo6 Se8, and PbMo6 S7.5, respectively. Self-consistent Mo and X potentials have been estimated. The cluster levels give the positions of the Mo 4d-like bands, while the widths and dispersions are estimated analytically in the tight-binding approximation taking the covalent mixing with the X p states into account. The 30 Mo d bands are grouped into narrow subbands derived from the levels for an isolated Mo6 octahedron. The Fermi level falls in a doubly degenerate Eg band with Mo wave functions of x2y2 character and the Eg bandwidths vary between 65 and 35 mRy in the compounds considered. The Eg band is probably crossed by a five times wider, singly degenerate A1g band of predominantly 3z2r2 character. The Eg and A1g bands are the only ones crossing the Fermi level in the ternaries but, in the binaries, the octahedra are elongated and a 50-35 mRy wide Au band, split off from a triply degenerate T2u band, furthermore overlaps the Eg band. The susceptibilities measured for SnMo5 S6 and PbMo5 S6 are in good agreement with our estimates, N(0)=11 states/(spin Mo-atom Ry) and IMoStoner=40 mRy, of the band density of states and the effective exchange-interaction parameter. From the measured electronic-specific-heat coefficients we deduce the value λ=2.5 for the electron-phonon enhancement. In accord with experimental phonon spectra we estimate frequencies of 10 and 15 meV for a rocking mode of Mo6 Se8 and Mo6 S8 units, respectively. For the average electron-phonon matrix element in the Gaspari-Gyorffy and atomic-sphere approximations we find I2=3×103 (Ry/bohr (Ry/bohrradius)2. The magnitude and extreme sensitivity to local environment effects of the spin-orbit coupling in the Eg band offer an explanation for the high critical magnetic fields measured in the ternaries.