The morphology of the medial preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (MPOA-AH) of gerbils is sexually dimorphic and influenced by adult gonadal hormones. This research shows that the distribution of (MPOA-AH) cells that synthesize acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and the activity of AChE within the MPOA-AH are also sexually dimorphic and hormone sensitive. Adult male and female gerbils were gonadectomized, gonadectomized and implanted subcutaneously with testosterone (T), or sham operated 4–8 weeks before sacrifice. Coronal sections through the sexually dimorphic area (SDA) of the MPOA-AH were stained for AChE. Planimeter measurements of camera lucida drawings showed that the total volume of the SDA is similar in the two sexes, but the proportion of the SDA that stains darkly and/or stands out clearly from the surround (dark volume) is larger in males. Optical density readings also indicated that AChE staining is darker in the male SDA. Gonadectomy decreases staining intensity in both sexes and reduces total SDA volume. Dark volume decreases more than 50%. Testosterone treatment reverses all effects of gonadectomy, although hormonal influences are smaller in females than in males. There were no sex differences or hormonal influences on AChE staining lateral to the SDA. The pars compacta of the male SDA was essentially devoid of AChE, indicating that this cell group is distinct from the rest of the SDA. It also shrinks after castration unless the males receive T. Histochemical changes in the SDA may be related to hormonal control of scent marking, a form of communication in this species.