Intelligent Testing Strategies for Chemicals Testing — A Case of More Haste, Less Speed?

The prospects for using (Q)SAR modelling, read-across (chemical) and other non-animal approaches as part of integrated testing strategies for chemical risk assessment, within the framework of the EU REACH legislation, are considered. The potential advantages and limitations of (Q)SAR modelling and read-across methods for chemical regulatory risk assessment are reviewed. It is concluded that it would be premature to base a testing strategy on chemical-based computational modelling approaches, until such time as criteria to validate them for their reliability and relevance by using independent and transparent procedures, have been agreed. This is mainly because of inherent problems in validating and accepting (Q)SARs for regulatory use in ways that are analogous to those that have been developed and applied for in vitro tests. Until this issue has been resolved, it is recommended that testing strategies should be developed which comprise the integrated use of computational and read-across approaches. These should be applied in a cautious and judicious way, in association with available tissue culture methods, and in conjunction with metabolism and biokinetic studies. Such strategies should be intelligently applied by being driven by exposure information (based on bioavailability, not merely on production volume) and hazard information needs, in preference to a tick-box approach. In the meantime, there should be increased efforts to develop improved (Q)SARs, expert systems and new in vitro methods, and, in particular, ways to expedite their validation and acceptance must be found and prospectively agreed with all major stakeholders.