Mn2+EPR study of the phase transition in an ammonium sulfate single crystal: Existence of two inequivalent sublattices

Angular variations of X-band EPR spectra, for the magnetic field orientations in three mutually perpendicular planes, of a single crystal of Mn2+-doped (NH4 )2 SO4, have been recorded from 113 to 398 K. Two Mn2+ centers, the principal axes of whose zero-field splitting tensors (b2m) are found to be oriented very close to each other, exhibit ferroelectric phase transitions of entirely different natures, although occurring at the same transition temperature (Tc=223 K). At Tc, the EPR lines corresponding to one center exhibit a jump (first-order transition), while those for the other a continuity (second-order transition). For both the centers each EPR hyperfine line splits into two below Tc. The Mn2+ spin-Hamiltonian parameters in (NH4 )2 SO4 are evaluated at room temperature, using a rigorous least-squares-fitting procedure, combined with numerical diagonalization of the spin-Hamiltonian matrix. The present EPR data confirm the existence of two inequivalent sublattices in the (NH4 )2 SO4 crystal. The unusual crossing of the EPR line positions, below Tc, for the Mn2+ center which undergoes a first-order phase transition at Tc, has been related to the reversal of the spontaneous polarization. The dynamic behavior of the two Mn2+ centers, in this ferroelastic crystal, has here been interpreted to be due to the deformation of the SO42 groups and the spontaneous strain produced by the acoustic mode. The critical exponent β has been determined, for both the centers, to be 0.49±0.03, from the line splitting below Tc. It has been verified that the scaling law and Rushbrooke inequality are well satisfied in (NH4 )2 SO4. .AE

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