1+exotic meson at light quark masses

The mass of the 1+ exotic meson, created with hybrid interpolating fields, is explored in numerical simulations of quenched QCD on large (203×40) lattices to obtain good control of statistical and finite volume errors. Using the Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action, the properties of the 1+ are investigated at light quark masses approaching 25 MeV (mπ/mρ1/3). Under the standard assumption that the coupling to the quenched a1η channel comes with a negative metric, our results indicate that the 1+ exotic exhibits significant curvature close to the chiral limit, suggesting previous linear extrapolations have overestimated the mass of the 1+. We find for the first time in lattice studies a 1+ mass consistent with the π1(1600) candidate. We also find a strangeness ±1 JP=1 state with a mass close to 2 GeV.