Mediators of Social Support and Antiretroviral Adherence Among an Indigent Population in New York City

Survey interviews were conducted with a random sample of 50 primarily indigent, African American and Puerto Rican men and women at an outpatient human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) clinic in the Bronx, New York. Analyses revealed a generally high rate of adherence according to self-report data (i.e., on average, participants reported taking 85% of their medications over the last 3 days). However, adherence to the correct number of pills, dosing schedules, and special instructions was more problematic. No sociodemographic or substance use indicators were associated with adherence. Compared to men, women reported higher scores on the Crowne-Marlowe Social Desirability Scale, which were positively correlated with self-reported adherence. "Forgot" (50%) and "felt worse" (46%) were the most common reasons for missed doses. Mediation analyses provided partial support for our proposed model of social support and adherence. Specifically, regression analyses controlling for social desirability indicated that need for social support was positively correlated with acknowledged nonadherence and that this relationship was mediated by self-efficacy and depressive symptomatology.