Identification of Genes with Potential Roles in Apple Fruit Development and Biochemistry through Large-Scale Statistical Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags

Advanced studies of apple (Malus domestica Borkh) development, physiology, and biochemistry have been hampered by the lack of appropriate genomics tools. One exception is the recent acquisition of extensive expressed sequence tag (EST) data. The entire available EST dataset for apple resulted from the efforts of at least 20 contributors and was derived from more than 70 cDNA libraries representing diverse transcriptional profiles from a variety of organs, fruit parts, developmental stages, biotic and abiotic stresses, and from at least nine cultivars. We analyzed apple EST sequences available in public databanks using statistical algorithms to identify those apple genes that are likely to be highly expressed in fruit, expressed uniquely or preferentially in fruit, and/or temporally or spatially regulated during fruit growth and development. We applied these results to the analysis of biochemical pathways involved in biosynthesis of precursors for volatile esters and identified a subset of apple genes that may participate in generating flavor and aroma components found in mature fruit.