Studies on Serum Haptoglobin in Experimental Connective Tissue Disorders.

Serum haptoglobin was studied in guinea pigs and rabbits in normal animals and after experimental production of connective tissue damage. Methods used included: acute scurvy, carrageenan granuloma, turpentine-induced amyloidosis, and intravenous injection of such enzymes as papain, elastase, hyaluronidase, tryp-sin and chymotrypsin. Controls received intravenous ovalbumin and saline. Significant increases of serum haptoglobin were found in acute scurvy (8x), carrageenan granuloma (4x) or both combined (5x) and after intravenous papain, elastase and hyaluronidase (average 2 to 2.5 x). Particularly striking results, up to 7x normal values, were given by papian and elastase in some cases. These methods may be used to obtain reproducible experimental hyperhaptoglobinemias.

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