I. Extracellular Cultivation and Morphological Characterization of Amastigote‐Like Forms of Leishmania panamensis and L. braziliensis

Two strains of the Leishmania braziliensis complex have been adapted to grow extracellularly at elevated temperature as amastigote-like forms in a cell-free medium. The parasites can be serially cultivated and maintained at 32.degree.C for L. panamensis (WR442: L. braziliensis panamensis) and at 28.degree.C for L. braziliensis (M5052; L. braziliensis braziliensis). Several observations are presented that the forms adapted at elevated temperature are amastigote-like. Morphologically, the amastigote-like organisms appear rounded to ovoid and are immotile and smaller than promastigotes; the flagellum of the amastigote-like forms does nt extend beyond the flagelluar pocket. In comparsion, the promastigotes are very elongated, with a nucleus at mid-cell length and a very long flagellum. By electron microscopy, the short flagellum of the amastigote-like form is within a distended flagellar pocket; the 9 + 2 axonemal configuation is present but the paraxial rod is not observed. By contrast, the flagellum of the promastigote has a paraxial rod which extends from the axosome level. In addition, these amastigote-like forms of Leishmania are able to infect, to survive and to divide within the macrophage cell line J774.