Sign and magnitude of the quadrupole interaction ofCd111in noncubic metals: Universal correlation of ionic and electronic field gradients

The magnitude and sign of the nuclear quadrupole interaction of the 247-keV excited state of Cd111 has been measured in a number of noncubic metals by means of the technique of βγ time-differential perturbed angular correlations. The state was populated by the unique first-forbidden β decay of 7.5-day Ag111 which was implanted by an an isotope separator into single crystals of Be, Mg, Ti, Zn, Sn, Re, Hf, and Bi. Well-defined precession patterns indicating unique lattice location of the Cd111 impurity have been observed in all these cases except Hf and Bi. The sign and magnitude of the quadrupole coupling constants e2qQ have thus been derived. Using lattice-sum calculations for the lattice electric field-gradient (EFG) eqlatt, Q=+0.77 b for the quadrupole moment of the 247-keV level of Cd111 and a Sternheimer antishielding factor γ=29.3 for Cd, the EFG presumably due to the conduction electrons eqel, has been derived for each of these cases. These results strongly indicate that eqel is linearly related to eqlatt(1γ). In an attempt to examine whether such a simple relation is effective in metallic systems in general, a survey of all e2qQ values (with signs) measured in noncubic metals has been made. This survey reveals, for the first time, that in most cases, the values of eqel and eqlatt(1γ) could be connected by a universal correlation according to which eqel=Keqlatt(1γ), |K|3 for moderate values of eqlatt(1γ). Based on this universal correlation curve, a number of e2qQ values, whose signs are yet undetermined, have been phenomenologically examined and their signs predicted. These general systematics, especially the universality of the correlation of the electronic gradient with the ionic gradient eq