The role of a non‐androgenic testicular factor in the process of testicular descent in the dog

The possibility of preventing the effects of orchidectomy on the gubernacular reaction and on epididymal migration by the administration of testosterone or by auto-transplantation of testicular tissue was investigated. In dogs, orchidectomized during fetal life and supplemented with testosterone, gubernacular regression was not completely prevented, and some descent of the remaining epididymis was obvious. The descent was less than in normal, intact animals. In dogs orchidectomized neonatally and supplemented with testosterone, the gubernacula showed normal regression and an almost normal descent of the epididymis. In dogs orchidectomized neonatally and supplemented with an auto-transplant of testicular tissue into the scrotum, normal gubernacular development and normal epididymal descent were observed. Together with an unidentified non-adrogenic testicular factor, testosterone from the testis appears to play a role in the outgrowth phase of the gubernaculum and consequently, in the 1st phase of testicular descent. Testosterone induced gubernacular regions in the 2nd phase of testicular descent.