Trophoblast IFN-τ Differentially Induces Lymphopenia and Neutropenia in Lambs

Type I interferons (IFN), including IFN-α and IFN-β, cause severe lymphopenia, resulting from altered lymphocyte recirculation and redistribution. IFN-τ, a product of trophectoderm of ruminant conceptuses and new member of the type I IFN family has not been examined for its effect on leukocyte recirculation. Additionally, differential effects of type I IFNs on the redistribution and recirculation of subsets of T cells have not been reported. The present study determined the effects of IFN-τ on the redistribution and recirculation of ovine leukocytes and T cell subsets. Total peripheral blood leukocytes, lymphocytes, and segmented neutrophils were reduced (p < 0.05) following treatment of lambs with IFN-τ. Furthermore, administration of IFN-τ caused an acute, differential reduction in peripheral blood CD4+ T cells (p < 0.05), CD5+ cells (p < 0.05), and γδ TCR+ (p < 0.01) T cells but had no effect on CD8+ T cells (p > 0.05). IFN-τ reduced the percentage of γδ T cells by 8-fold and that of CD4+ T cells and CD5+ cells by + T cells.