Representation mixing and exotic baryons in the Skyrme model

We study the effect of representation mixing in the SU(3) Skyrme model by diagonalizing exactly the representation-dependent part. It is observed that even without the next-to-leading-order symmetry breaking terms the low-lying baryon masses as well as the recently discovered Θ+ and Ξ10¯ can be fairly well reproduced within 3% accuracy. It is also demonstrated that the mixing effect is not negligible in decay processes of {10¯}. In particular the effect of mixing with {27} is found to be quite large. These results are compatible with the second-order perturbation scheme. The decay widths are found to be sensitive to the mass values. The decay widths of {10¯} are estimated to be smaller than those of {10} by an order of magnitude due to the destructive interference between operators, although the kinematic factors are comparable.