Array tracking of infrasonic sources at Stromboli volcano

Infrasonic arrays are a powerful tool for volcanic monitoring and hazard assessment. Explosions were recorded at Stromboli using a small aperture array of 4 infrasonic stations, allowing precise vent location. The acoustic signals were delayed‐and‐summed, revealing the existence of two main groups of infrasonic waves. The NE crater produces short (<3 s) high amplitude (20–80 Pa) pressure waves while the SW crater produces small acoustic pressure (10–30 Pa) with long (5–15 s) coda. The two groups reflect different in explosive styles and similar spectral content, centered on 5–6 Hz. When stacked together, acoustic waveforms for each crater reveal the same pressure pulse, which indicates a common source process. We infer that the acoustic onset at both craters is generated by the burst of a large gas bubble while the acoustic coda is controlled by a sustained pressure release.