Lattice Thermal Conductivity ofp-Type GaSb in the Temperature Range 2-20 °K

In the present paper the resonance-scattering relaxation rate for the electron-phonon interaction as given by Kumar et al. is used in the calculation of the resonance scattering of phonons by bound holes in p-type GaSb in the temperature range 2-20 °K. The present calculations show that with the simplified expressions of Kumar et al. for resonance scattering of phonons by bound electrons for ω>ωr and ω<ωr, one can explain the anomalous resonance dip in the phonon-conductivity-vs-temperature curves of p-doped GaSb. An excellent agreement between theoretical and experimental values of phonon conductivity is obtained for the entire temperature range 2-20 °K on the basis of Callaway's model of phonon conductivity, provided one incorporates separate conductivity integrals for 0<ω<ωr and ωr<ω<ωD, where ωr is the resonance frequency and ωD is the Debye frequency.