Ganglioneuroma: computed tomography and magnetic resonance features

12 patients who had histological proven ganglioneuromas were investigated by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. CT scans (n = 11), conventional spin-echo MR images (n = 10) and dynamic MR images (n = 5) were acquired. All lesions showed a well defined, oval shape. Five lesions (42%) showed calcification which was punctate in four and coarse in one on CT. CT attenuation was predominantly low in three of 10 (30%) and intermediate in the remaining seven (70%). In all lesions MR signals were mainly of low intensity on T1 weighted images (T 1WI) and of high intensity on T2 weighted images (T 2WI). Dynamic MR studies in five cases showed a lack of early enhancement but gradual increasing enhancement One case had a ganglioneuroblastoma component which showed soft-tissue density and coarse calcifications on CT scans, MR images with intermediate intensity on T 1WI and T 2WI and early enhancement and little washout on dynamic MR images. In conclusion, ganglioneuroma typically shows punctate calcification and low attenuation on CT and marked hypenntensity on T 2WI with gradual increasing enhancement on dynamic MR images If a ganglioneuroma has atypical CT and MR features, coexistence of a malignant component should be considered.