The Behaviour of Rhizobium Bacteriophages during and after Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation

These studies were carried out with 2 strains of pea and clover nodule bacteria, 317 and Cl5, and their homologous bacteriophages. The phage cultures were irradiated as 015 cm. layers in petri dishes. U.-v. inactivated phage temporarily inhibited the growth of active phage particles, but did not affect the formation of plaques by active phage. It caused a decrease in the number of colonies formed by the bacteria. The phenomenon of "multiplicity reactivation" was not observed. The rate of inactivation appeared to be that of a first-order reaction. Visible light increased the residual activity of u.-v. irradiated phage preparations only if the infected host bacteria were exposed. Phage particles which remained active after irradiation were so altered that they were relatively unstable.