Contributions from ion-atom charge-exchange collisions to the Cvi Lyman-series intensities in the Joint European Torus tokamak

In a multiple-keV-temperature deuterium plasma such as that in the Joint European Torus (JET), C v i emission arises from excitation processes that, in the absence of neutral-hydrogen-beam heating, occur near the plasma boundary. Distortion to the C v i Lyman decrement, such as the Ly-β:Ly-γ:Ly-δ ratio, and enhancement of high series members (around 1s-12p) are observed. In this situation, large influxes of D0 atoms are anticipated at the plasma boundary when the plasma is limited by the carbon inner wall. The intensities of the Lyman-series members are interpreted in terms of electronic excitation of C5+ ions in their ground state as well as charge-exchange collisions between C6+ ions and thermal D0 atoms, either in their ground state or in their excited states (up to the collision limit). The line-of-sight emission is modeled using an impurity-ion transport code requiring knowledge of the electron temperature, electron density, and D0 radial profiles. Comparison of the observed relative intensities of the C v i Lyman series Ly-β, Ly-γ, Ly-δ, etc., with the model calculations allows plausible corrections to be made to the effective charge-exchange rate coefficients as a function of the principal quantum number. The observations offer a potential method of measuring local D0 concentrations near the boundary in high-temperature, high-D0-concentration recycling plasmas.