myo-Inositol Metabolism in Lilium longiflorum Pollen

Germinating L. longiflorum pollen absorbs and metabolizes myo-inositol-2-3H (MI-2-3H) with a pronounced lag when label is supplied from the beginning of germination. If MI-2-3H is given after 3 h of germination, incorporation of labeled metabolic products into pollen tube polysaccharides is constant over a range of 0.56 mM-2.78 mM MI. When MI-2-3H is supplied as a 0.5 h pulse 3 h after germination, the proper precursor-product relationship to tube wall polysaccharides is observed. Replacing 10% of the germination media with sigmatic exudate from a compatible cultivar hastens germination and tube elongation. Enhanced MI metabolism accompanies tube growth in this exudate-enriched media.