The peak current equation for irreversible process on a spherical electrode in a stirred solution for linear sweep adsorption voltammetry, corresponding to the case of a strong adsorption, can be expressed as follows ip=ip(ta)+ip(tr)=K'vD2/3ro2v-1/6ω1/2taC*+ip(tr) where ip(ta) is the peak current for the preconcentration time (ta) in a stirred solution; ip(tr) is the peak current for the rest period, tr,v is the scan rate; D is the diffusion coefficient; ro is the radius of the spherical electrode; ω is the angular velocity of the solution; v is the kinematic viscosity, C* is the bulk concentration of the, depolarizer; K' is a constant. The equation has been verified experimentally for system of Co(Ⅱ)-dimethylglyoxime in NH3/NH4Cl.

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