Ten murine monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for a British isolate of potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) were produced in large quantities in ascitic fluids and their isotypes determined. All 10 MAbs reacted in indirect ELISA with intact PLRV particles but four did not react with disrupted virus particles, suggesting that these four MAbs are specific for epitopes dependent on quaternary structure. None of the MAbs gave a precipitin reaction in immunodiffusion tests. All the MAbs reacted strongly with, but failed to differentiate, 28 readily aphid-transmissible British PLRV isolates, six of which consistently caused symptoms differing in severity in indicator hosts. Two MAbs (SCR-8 and SCR-10) reacted only weakly with two other PLRV isolates, both of which were poorly transmissible by aphids. Three MAbs (SCR-6, SCR-8 and SCR-10) reacted with groundnut rosette assistor luteovirus (GRAV), but none reacted with British isolates of three other luteoviruses: carrot red leaf, beet western yellows and barley yellow dwarf (B and F isolates). Five epitopes on PLRV particles were distinguished, of which the two that were missing in the poorly aphid-transmissible isolates of PLRV and/or were shared with GRAV were both apparently dependent on quaternary structure.