Primary gastric peripheral T-cell malignant lymphoma with helper/inducer phenotype.First case report with a complete histological ultrastructural and immunochemical study

Primary gastrointestinal T-cell malignant lymphomas (T-ML) are very rare. In this case report we describe a primary gastric tumor with local lymph node involvement. On the basis of histologic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic studies, the authors classified this tumor as a pleomorphic T-ML, large cell variant with peripheral helper/inducer T-cell phenotype (Leul/CD5+, Leu4/CD3+, Leu5/CD2+, Leu9/CD7+, and Leu3/CD4+). The extreme pleomorphism of lymphoma cells, the numerous giant cells, and the presence of tumor nodules with two or three concentric layers were the three striking morphologic features of our case. Tumor cells showed an inconstant but true positive staining with anti-LeuM1/CD15 and LeuM3/CD14 antibodies. Vimentin positivity could be related to the presence of intermediate filaments at ultrastructural level. Neuron-specific enolase reactivity was a peculiar but unexplained feature. Furthermore, the positivity of the surface markers Ki-1/CD30, anti-Tac/CD25 and HLA-DR, and the nuclear marker Ki-67 suggested an activation state and a high proliferative activity of the tumor cells. This study emphasizes the usefulness of combined pathologic methods in order to rule out other diagnoses such as undifferentiated carcinoma, malignant melanoma, malignant histiocytosis, B-cell lymphoma and interdigitating reticulum cells sarcoma, in view of an extremely polymorph tumor proliferation. This is apparently the first completely documented case report of a primary gastric pleomorphic T-ML of peripheral T-cell origin.