Path integrals in parametrized theories: Newtonian systems

Constraints in dynamical systems typically arise either from gauge or from parametrization. We study Newtonian systems moving in curved configuration spaces and parametrize them by adjoining the absolute time and energy as conjugate canonical variables to the dynamical variables of the system. The extended canonical data are restricted by the Hamiltonian constraint. The action integral of the parametrized system is given in various extended spaces: Extended configuration space or phase space and with or without the lapse multiplier. The theory is written in a geometric form which is manifestly covariant under point transformations and reparametrizations. The quantum propagator of the system is represented by path integrals over different extended spaces. All path integrals are defined by a manifestly covariant skeletonization procedure. It is emphasized that path integrals for parametrized systems characteristically differ from those for gauge theories. Implications for the general theory of relativity are discussed.