Experience with continuous infusion of recombinant activated factor VII in the Asia-Pacific region

There is increasing interest in continuous infusion of recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) as a convenient and safe alternative to intermittent bolus therapy. In the Australian patients reported in this paper, cost savings of up to 25% in the first 12 h of treatment with continuous infusion of rFVIIa have been achieved safely, suggesting that substantial overall savings are possible. However, in the Thai patient reported, a dose reduction of 35% in the first 12 h was associated with poor haemostatic control, suggesting that a dose reduction of >25% may be inadvisable. The indications for treatment in the five Australian patients were: retroperitoneal haemorrhage (n = 3); right forearm compartment syndrome (n = 1); wrist haemarthrosis and median nerve compression (n = 2); sublingual haematoma (n = 1); and cerebral (mid-brain) haemorrhage (n = 1). Treatment was effective in four out of five patients (six bleeding episodes) and there was one treatment failure where treatment had been substantially delayed. The Thai patient was treated as part of a prospective, uncontrolled, observational study of 34 bleeding episodes in 22 patients in the Asia-Pacific region. Treatment was judged ineffective after 24 h, but full haemostatic control was subsequently achieved with intermittent rFVIIa therapy.