Fluorescence marking of neuropile glial cells in the central nervous system of the leech Hirudo medicinalis

Neuropile glial (NG) cells in the central nervous system of the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis L., were studied by histological and intracellular electrophysiological methods. Potential profiles of single leech ganglia were mapped by advancing an electrolyte-filled microelectrode into the ganglion as far as the NG cell. A small negative potential usually appeared during or immediately after penetration of the ganglion sheath. Most of the ganglia in the chain (ganglia 1–4 and 7–21) have Retzius-cell-bodies of normal size; in these, the potential associated with the ganglion sheath was followed by a jump to a more negative potential. Superimposed action potentials were associated with entry of the electrode into a Retzius cell. When the electrode tip passed out of the cell into the center of the ganglion, another potential change was observed, namely that to the membrane potential of the anterior NG cell. This membrane potential averaged -60.2 mV and ranged from -50 to -73 mV. In ganglia 5 and 6 the Retzius-cell-bodies are particularly small, and no changes of potential associated with these cells were observed; the first potential to appear after the electrode passed through the sheath of the ganglion was the membrane potential of the NG cell. Potential profiles like those of ganglia 5 and 6 are recorded in the posterior parts of all ganglia. Potential profiles of single leech ganglia were also recorded with microelectrodes filled with the fluorescent dye Procion Yellow M4-RAN. When the presumed membrane potential of an NG cell appeared, the dye was injected into the ganglion. Subsequent histological examination with the fluorescence microscope revealed that all of the dye was contained in NG cells.