Taxonomy and ultrastructure of a freshwater scaly flagellate Mallomonas tonsurata var. etortisetifera var. nov. (Synurophyceae, Chromophyta)

A new variety of Mallomonas, M. tonsurata var. etortisetifera, very close to M. tonsurata, is described. Its ultrastructure conforms in most respects to the characteristics of the Synurophyceae. Two flagella are apically inserted in parallel into the cell, and a three-membered microtubular root originates from the vicinity of the rhizoplast and extends towards the anterior end of the cell, where it forms a loop around the flagella. However, the absence of the transitional helix and the observed continuity between the outer nuclear membrane and the chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are features not found in Synura. The taxonomic and phylogenetic importance of these observations is discussed.