Perturbed-angular-correlation measurement of a Fermi to Gamow-Teller mixing ratio in theβdecay ofO19

Time-differential βγ angular correlations perturbed by the nuclear quadrupole interaction in a zinc single crystal were used to extract a value of y=+0.030±0.015 for the ratio CVMFCAMGT of Fermi to Gamow-Teller matrix elements in the allowed β decay from the 52+ O19 ground state to the 52+, 197 keV state in F19. This leads to a figure of MF=(4.7±2.4)×103 for the isospin-forbidden Fermi matrix element. Other parameters which can be derived from this number are α=(2.7±1.4)×103 for the admixture of the analog of the O19 ground state in the F19 excited state and |HCD|=20±10 keV for the effective charge-dependent matrix element. A value of ω0=+8.5±0.5 μsec1 was determined for the nuclear quadrupole interaction of the F19 excited state in a zinc single crystal. The calibration provided by the pure Gamow-Teller decay to the 32+ 1.554 keV state in F19 was used to remove effects of the implantation process, and data analysis was performed with a model which incorporated the effects of β's backscattered by the thick crystal.