Factors which influence necropsy requests: a psychological approach.

AIMS: To determine which factors influence a clinician's decision to request a necropsy. METHODS: Patient age, confidence in premortem diagnosis, relatives' attitudes, and conditions of necropsy practice were combined factorially (two levels each) in separate medical and surgical questionnaires based on clinical case histories. The interactions between the factors were measured by a repeated measures factorial analysis of variance for each of the two clinical groups. The influence of the clinician's interest in necropsies on these interactions was also examined by a similar method. RESULTS: Necropsies were more likely to be requested on young patients, when diagnostic confidence was low, and when relatives' attitudes were favourable. Conditions of necropsy practice did not affect the likelihood of a request and there was no apparent overall difference in necropsy requests between the two groups of clinicians. The "patient age" and "relatives" factors had less influence on the decision of the surgical group to request necropsy. This was attributed to the opportunity to "see for themselves" at operation and was supported by the finding that surgeons were very likely to request necropsies in the absence of surgical intervention. Clinicians from both groups with a high pre-existing interest in the necropsy were consistently more likely to request necropsies. CONCLUSIONS: The "case history" based questionnaires successfully measured the relative influence of multiple factors in relation to the decision of clinicians to request a necropsy. These findings suggest that any attempt to reverse the decline in necropsy rates should focus on changing the clinician's perception of the value of the modern necropsy.