Preoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Localization of 131 Breast Lesions With Modified Embolization Coils

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess practicability, outcome, and possible advantages of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided localizations with modified embolization coils for exclusively MRI-detected suspicious breast lesions. Materials and Methods: We performed 131 MRI-guided preoperative localizations in 105 patients with exclusively MRI-detected breast lesions. Contrast-enhanced, T1-weighted, 3-dimensional gradient echo sequences were used for imaging. Breast fixation and needle guidance were achieved by a perforated plate. Lesion localization was performed with a modified embolization coil. The distance between coil and lesion was measured. Results of specimen radiography and histopathology were analyzed. Results: Thirty-four of 131 lesions (26%) were malignant. Lesion localization and excision was successful in all patients. The mean distance between the coil and the lesion was 0.5 mm (±1.7 mm standard deviation). Conclusions: Exact MRI-guided preoperative localization of exclusively MRI-detected breast lesions by using a modified embolization coil is feasible with excellent precision. Advantages over wire localization procedures are the possibility of specimen x-ray and the independence from time and place of operation.