Production of a Lectin in Tissue Cultures of Dolichos biflorus

Callus cultures have been produced from the epicotyl and leaves, hypocotyl, and roots of germinating Dolichos biflorus seeds. These cultures were initiated on media containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and kinetin, transferred to media with increased amounts of these hormones, and then maintained on hormone-free media. Extracts of these cultures were examined by radioimmunoassays specific for the lectin from the seeds of this plant and for a lectin that is present only in the stems and leaves of the intact plant. Although the seed lectin was not detected in any cultures, the stem and leaf lectin was produced in those cultures grown on the hormone free media. Lectin isolated from these cultures had subunits identical in electrophoretic mobilities to the subunits from the lectin isolated from intact stems and leaves. Levels of this lectin decreased when the cells were transferred back to media containing hormones and increased again upon transfer to the hormone-free media. The absence of exogenous hormones and the production of lectin were also correlated with the rapid growth and greening of the cells. Immunofluorescence and immunocytochemical studies on sections of cultured cells indicated that the stem and leaf lectin is associated with the cytoplasm as well as the cell wall as has been found in previous studies on the subcellular localization of this lectin in the intact plant.