Receptor binding of N-(methyl-11C) clozapine in the brain of rhesus monkey studied by positron emission tomography (PET)

By means of positron emission tomography the uptake and kinetics of N-(methyl-11C)clozapine in different brain regions have been studied in Rhesus monkeys. 11C-clozapine rapidly entered the brain and maximum radioactive uptake was seen 5–12 min after administration. Highest uptake was measured in the striatum. Other regions with an uptake higher than in the cerebellum were thalamus and mesencephalon. The radioactivity from different brain regions decreased with an elimination half-life of about 5 h and parallelled the plasma kinetics of unlabelled clozapine. The striatum/cerebellum ratio of 11C-clozapine-derived radioactivity remained constant during the period studied and did not change after pretreatment with atropine. In contrast, the striatum/cerebellum ratio was somewhat lower after pretreatment with N-methylspiperone (NMSP), indicating competition for the same binding sites in the striatum. After pretreatment with increasing doses of clozapine, a dose-dependent protection of binding sites in the striatum for 11C-NMSP was seen. It is concluded that clozapine is more loosely bound to dopamine receptors in the striatum than N-methylspiperone and that the kinetics of clozapine in the brain parallel that in the plasma. The binding properties of clozapine within the brain may explain some of the clinical properties of the drug.