Temperature-induced unfolding of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 in water was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. The major transition state of unfolding was identified on the basis of structural and conformational changes in the protein during the unfolding reaction. The native tertiary contacts in the hydrophobic core were considerably disrupted in the transition state, whereas the secondary structure was partially intact. The extent of structural change of the protein around a particular residue was represented quantitatively by the ratio of the number of contacts the residue makes in the transition state relative to the native state, phi MD, which allows quantitative comparison with the experimentally determined phi F values. For the region of the unfolding trajectory that is identified as the transition state, the phi MD and phi F values are in good agreement, suggesting that the transition state identified in the unfolding simulation corresponds to that probed with protein engineering methods. Although speculative, the transition state identified in the simulation is consistent with available experimental data and provides an in-depth view of what the transition state of unfolding may look like.