Trisaspidin, Trisdesaspidin, and Trisflavaspidic Acid, Three New Three-Ring Phloroglucinol Derivatives from Dryopteris austriaca.

From the Finnish Dryopteris austriaca fern three new phloroglucinolderivatives were isolated, each composed of 3 rings linked by methylene bridges. These compounds are called trisaspidin (I), trisdesaspidin (II) and trisflavaspidic acid (III) and they can be derived from the well-known 2-ring compounds aspidin (IV), desaspidin (V) or flavaspidic acid (VI), respectively, by adding a butyrylphloroglucinol unit between the 2 rings of the dimeric compounds. In addition, filixic acid BBB (VII), a component of the homologous mixture of filixic acids so far isolated only from Dryopteris filix mas, has now been shown to occur in Dryopteris austriaca also.

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