The opportunity to study the early farming population at Çatal Hüyük came to me through the foresight and kindness of the excavator, Mr. James Mellaart, and the successive Directors of the British Archaeological Institute Mr. Michael Gough and Dr. David French. I am most grateful to them for the opportunity to publish this report. In the autumn of 1967 I worked in collaboration with Dr. Denise Ferembach of the CNRS in Paris, who is reporting on the morphology and geographic relations of the population. We worked in the laboratory of Professor Enver Bostancı, head of the department of Palaeoanthropology at the University of Ankara, who most kindly aided us and allowed us facilities for study. The successive Directors General of Antiquities and Museums, Bay Mehmet Önder and Bay Hikmet Gürçay, also gave us permission to study this material and expressed gracious interest in it.