The development of infection structures by the directly infecting soybean rust fungus of different artificial membranes was followed by light and scanning electron microscopy. On water agar uredospores developed germ tubes without appressoria. On dialysis membranes more than 80% of the uredospores formed appressoria. With low frequencies (1–7%) also primary hyphae and/or penetration hyphae were present. When cellulose nitrate membrane filters with pore diameters ≤ 0.2 μm were used, uredospores germinated but showed a strongly reduced appressoria formation. Membranes with pores ≥ 0.1 μm allowed a development of infection structures similar to that on dialysis membranes. In experiments with paraffin oil incorporated into collodion membranes more than 90% of the uredospores formed appressoria, about 50% of the appressoria developed hyphae. Ungerminated spores and germ tubes always contained 2 nuclei. In fully developed appressoria 4 nuclei were present. Compared with stomata entering rust fungi appressoria formation by Phakopsora pachyrhizi occurred more frequently and seemed to be less dependent on specific stimuli. Moreover, in most cases only few of the appressoria formed penetration or primary hyphae. The induction of these structures seemed to be dependent on further unknown stimuli.