Decreased Frequency of Somatic Hypermutation and Impaired Affinity Maturation but Intact Germinal Center Formation in Mice Expressing Antisense RNA to DNA Polymerase ζ

To examine a role of DNA polymerase ζ in somatic hypermutation, we generated transgenic mice that express antisense RNA to a portion of mouse REV3, the gene encoding this polymerase. These mice express high levels of antisense RNA, significantly reducing the levels of endogenous mouse REV3 transcript. Following immunization to a hapten-protein complex, transgenic mice mounted vigorous Ab responses, accomplished the switch to IgG, and formed numerous germinal centers. However, in most transgenic animals, the generation of high affinity Abs was delayed. In addition, accumulation of somatic mutations in the VH genes of memory B cells from transgenic mice was decreased, particularly among those that generate amino acid replacements that enhance affinity of the B cell receptor to the hapten. These data implicate DNA polymerase ζ, a nonreplicative polymerase, in the process of affinity maturation, possibly through a role in somatic hypermutation, clonal selection, or both.