Sperm suppression with monthly injections of medroxyprogesterone acetate combined with testosterone enanthate at a high dose (500 mg)

The combination of an initial injection of 1000 mg of depot medroxyprogresterone acetate and 500 mg of testosterone enanthate [TE] followed by monthly administration of 150 mg and 500 mg of the same drugs, was tested in 10 healthy males aged 28 through 39, with pretreatment sperm counts of 50 .times. 106/ml or more. Eight of the subjects achieved azoospermia, and the sperm counts of the other 2 declined 0.09 and 5 million/ml. This last subject was highly refractory to treatment as his sperm density recovered to 27 million sperm/ml at the 6th mo. of continuous therapy. Follicle stimulating hormone was severely depressed during the entire treatment period. Luteinizing hormone fell to 30-40% of normal values in the first 2 mo. and then showed a slow recovery during maintenance treatment. Testosterone measured 1 mo. after each injection was between 10 and 30% of pretreatment values. Three of the subjects had increased libido and potency, none had decreased sexual drive or potency. All subjects gained weight with the average gain being 6 kg. The increase in the dose of TE to 500 mg/ng did not improve the results as compared to previous trials using lower doses of TE.