Characterization of a new inspection system

This paper presents a fully automated inspection system answering to the growing need of in-process wafer control After a brief description of the mechanical, optical and image processing parts, we sum up our inspection method based on a robust and fast image comparison . One image is obtained directly from the die to inspect through an optical microscope . The other one may be: - the corresponding site on the neighbouring die ( die to die strategy) - areference image extracted from aleamed defect free library ( die to reference strategy) - a synthesized image from the CAD database ( die to database strategy) We give then some results for three functions of this system: - reticlequalification - defect density measurement on patterned wafers - control of die critical sites Defect localisations are memorized, and an interactive reviewing software allows to observe these defects with various optical conditions (magnification, wavelength, focus...).

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